martes, 14 de junio de 2011


  • In the north of Cataluña, it will rain and in the south of Cataluña it will be cloudy.
  • In Aragon it will be cloudy.
  • In Asturias it will rain, but it willl be sunny too.
  • In the Pais Vasco it will rain.
  • In the north of Galicia, it will rain and in the south of Galicia, it will be cloudy.
  • In the north of Navarra, it will snow and in the south it will be cloudy.
  • In the north of Castilla y Leon it will snow and cloudy and in the south of Castilla y Leon it will be sunny.
  • In Madrid, Extremadura and Castilla La Mancha it will be sunny.
  • In the Comunitat Valenciana it will be sunny.
  • In Andalucia it will be sunny and hot.
  • In the Canary Islands it will be cloudy.
  • In Ibiza and Formentera it will be sunny.
  • In Mallorca and Menorca it will rain.
  • In Ceuta and Melilla it will be sunny.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011


My favourite TV programme is the Spanish soap opera, " El Barco".
I like it because it's a very interesting series with a lot of mistery and also some funny moments.
It always leaves you wanting to know what will happen next.

This series es about a crew and some pupils who set off in a school-boat called "Estrella Polar", to spend two months travelling. But during their journey there is a huge explosion caused by an accident, the Earth disappears. From then on all the passengers encounter problems every day because of the difficulties of being alone in the world.

In my opinion, it's a great series and Mario Casas is the best character. He is good-looking, funny and plays his role very well.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011


Page 13 Exercise 11 : Write about your friends and family. Use verbs from exercise 9.

1. Mar enjoys being in the sea. She usually goes sailing with her friends.

2. Berta likes playing and listening to music. She always sings and plays the piano in the afternoon.

3. My sister Selene loves doing gymnastics. She sometimes participates in competitions and wins prizes.

4. Marta likes going out with her friends. She often goes for a walk around the town at the weekend.

5. My cat Ollie hates doing exercise. He is usually lazy.

6. Ana doesn't like studying. She hardly ever opens a book.

7. Amanda hates doing her homework. She never wants to do it.


8. My father doesn't mind eating fish, but he usually prefers not to eat it.

9. Carla loves going to the cinema with her cousins. They often watch comedy films, because they find them funny.

10. My mother enjoys going shopping. She always goes into every shop and comes back home with lots of bags full of clothes.

11. Pau loves reading. He often imagines fantasy stories because of the books he reads.

12. My friends don't mind going rollerblading. It is not their favourite hobby, but they often enjoy it.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


1. Tanque l'aixeta quan es llave les dents. Llave els vegetals en un tassó i no davall de l'aixeta oberta.Tanca l'aixeta al llavar-te les dents o afaitar-te, pots estalviar fins a 10 litres.
2. Mantinga una gerra d'aigua en la nevera perquè no haja de deixar oberta l'aixeta fins a deixar que l'aigua es refrede.
3.No utilitze el vàter per a desfer-se d'objectes que han de tirar-se en el fem.
4.Una dutxa pot utilitzar més aigua que una banyera però només fins a un cert punt. L'ideal és que s'utilitze una dutxa normal i no a pressió i gaste només cinc minuts en ella. Dutxa't en compte de banyar-te, estalviaràs 150 litres.
5.Utilitze tot l'espai en la seua llavadora quan l'encenga, així es requeriran menys cicles per setmana. També estiga conscient que la majoria de les funcions que requerixen mitja càrrega són ineficients pel fet que utilitzen més de la mitat de l'aigua requerida per a una càrrega completa.
6.Igualment, si té un llavaplats, només utilitze-ho quan tinga suficients vaixelles que ocupen tota la seua capacitat. No rente els plats davall l'aixeta abans, ja que els llavaplats estan dissenyats per a desfer-se del greix dels plats, tasses i coberts.
7.Després de llavar plats a mà, pot utilitzar eixa aigua bruta per a emprar-la en el jardí.
8.Regue el jardí durant la nit per a minimitzar l'evaporació.
9.Col·loca dos botelles plenes dins de la cisterna i estalviaràs de 2 a 4 litres cada vegada que la uses.
10.Tria plantes autòctones per al teu jardí i testos, consumixen menys aigua i donen molt menys treball que les plantes exòtiques, a més atrauen a palometes i no exigixen l'ús de productes químics per al seu manteniment.

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011


I've lived in Jávea since I was born. I have been going to the same school for many years and there I've learnt to speak English. I've had my appendix out. I 've been to France and I've seen the Eiffel Tower. I've climbed "The Ifach Crag" but I haven't climbed "Mount Everest". I have always like playing tennis.I've never been to Disney World in Orlando, but I've been to Disneyland. My friends and I have seen some famous people, such as Melendi, Huecco, Dani Martin and Chenoa, but we have always wanted to meet Mario Casas and Maxi Iglesias.

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

PAST CONTINUOUS: Last Christmas...

Look for a Christmas photo and tell us what you were doing...

    Here I was eating the twelve grapes with my family on New Year's Eve. (Aquí yo estaba comiendo las doce uvas con mi familia en Nochevieja.)

   Here I was opening the Christmas presents with my cousins. (Aquí yo estaba abriendo los regalos de Navidad con mis primos.)

Last Christmas...

I ate a lot of seafood with my family.
 (Yo comí mucho marisco con mi familia.)

I decorated the Christmas tree with my sister.
(Yo decoré el árbol de Navidad con mi hermana.)